ZincStar is a compound granule containing MAP and zinc.
The product is created by adding zinc to MAP during the granulation process with zinc delivered in every granule.
ZincStar helps improve plant uptake of zinc by the even distribution of zinc at the root zone.
Typical Analysis
N% | P% | K% | S% | Zn% |
10 | 22 | 0 | 2 | 1 |
Chemical name
Mono ammonium phosphate plus zinc
Crop Segments
Winter Cereals, Summer Crops, Horticulture
Nitrogen, phosphorus and zinc in one granule
Quality & Handling
Hard, uniformly sized 2-4 mm granules
Blends with the majority of fertilisers.

Ammonia gas is combined with phosphoric acid and zinc, granulated, dried and screened.
One of the major cropping fertilisers used in Australia as a source of phosphorus, nitrogen and zinc. The low level of N makes it useful as a ‘starter’ fertiliser and as there is little free ammonia, the risk of affecting germinating seeds is minimal.
Storage & Handling
- Will store freely in flat storage for extended periods with little concern about moisture uptake.
- Covering with a tarp will reduce any moist air uptake.
- The use of augers may damage the fertiliser and increase any handling problems.
- Do not leave exposed to moist air.
- Either fill or empty (completely), the drill or air-seeder fertiliser box overnight.
- Raise the equipment tynes from the soil to stop moisture moving up the tubes.
- For sowing there is little risk of affecting germination, even at high rates. As a general rule, a maximum of 20kg/ha of nitrogen at seeding of cereals should be used.
- When applying ZincStar, the fertiliser should be banded 5cm away from the seed, either below or to the side. ZincStar is low in sulphur. It is not recommended for high sulphur requiring crops such as canola, unless blended with sulphate of ammonia or other sulphur source.
- Do not store in silos.