Importance of Copper in Soil Nutrition

Why is Copper an Essential Micronutrient? Copper is necessary for chlorophyll formation and is involved in catalysing several other plant reactions. Plants with access to sufficient amounts of copper can exhibit stronger cell walls, and form higher polymers and proteins, making them more resistant to fungal attacks (Price, 2006). Additionally, copper is vital for animal health, contributing to the formation …

Maximising Your Sorghum Potential: The Role of Soil Nitrogen and Sulphur

As the Sorghum planting season approaches, understanding the relationship between soil nutrient content, particularly nitrogen and sulphur, could be the key to giving your crop the best start this season. This article delves into the significance of nitrogen and sulphur in Sorghum growth.The Role of Nitrogen and Sulphur in Sorghum Growth Nitrogen and sulphur are essential macronutrients that play a …

Graeme Rimon Celebrating 50 years at Impact Fertilisers

It’s with great pride Impact Fertilisers is honouring Graeme Rimon, who has dedicated an astonishing 50 years of service at the Impact Fertilisers SSP Manufacturing plant in Hobart. Jim Mole, CEO of Ameropa Australia (Impact Fertilisers’ parent company), says “We take great pride in congratulating Graeme on this remarkable 50-year milestone. Graeme’s commitment and invaluable contribution to the business, over …

Nutrient Management in Cotton

High-yielding cotton crops are reliant on having the ability to readily access water and nutrients supplied through a vigorous root system. Careful monitoring of nutrient availability is key to maximising your cotton potential. What nutrients does cotton require the most? Cotton absorbs nutrients throughout the growing season in proportion to its vegetative growth and boll load demands. Nutrient uptake in …

Revolutionizing Sugarcane Farming: Enhanced Efficiency Fertilisers Reducing Nitrogen Losses

With growing pressure on cane growers to reduce nitrogen applications due to Reef Regulations, enhanced efficiency products, such as Impact Fertilisers  N-Protect, could be the answer to getting the most out of your nitrogen investment this season. Did you know that growers typically suffer 40-60% nitrogen loss on all surface-applied urea applications through volatilisation, denitrification, and leaching (Agriculture Victoria, 2023)? …

Unlocking the Importance of Zinc in Sugarcane

Agronomy Services Manager Zhensong Zhu says, zinc is a vital micronutrient in sugarcane production and should not be overlooked in a nutrient management plan. Why is Zinc Important in Sugarcane Production? Zinc is involved in enzyme activation, carbohydrate metabolism, auxin synthesis, protein synthesis and stress tolerance.** Proper zinc management is critical in boosting your crop growth & quality this sugarcane …

Nutrient Management in Dairy Pastures

Why is nutrient management important for dairy farmers?  Nutrient deficiency is one of the most common reasons for underperforming pastures. Pasture growth and its nutritional value depends on the availability of nutrients in the soil, therefore ensuring your pasture has adequate access to soil nutrients could boost your pasture growth and quality. (MLA, 2019) Regular nutrient management and fertilisers could …

Agronomy Services Manager, Zhensong Zhu, shares his expert advice on how using compound fertilisers could maximise your plant nutrient uptake

With high agricultural input prices, optimising crop nutrient uptake may result in a better economic return on your fertiliser investment. Poor distribution, when applying nutrients with low mobility, could cause uneven nutrient uptake across your crop resulting in a variation in quality. Agronomy Services Manager, Zhensong Zhu, suggests that using a compound fertiliser can improve distribution and plant uptake when …

Australian Made Rock Phosphate

The first ever Australian-produced high-grade rock phosphate has been domestically shipped by mine operator Centrex. This rock phosphate was mined at Ardmore in Northwest Queensland and domestically shipped to Impact Fertilisers Single Superphosphate (SSP) Manufacturing Plant in Risdon, Tasmania. This is an exciting new Australian phosphate supply source that may alleviate risks associated with long supply chains whilst also increasing …

Nutrient Management in Potatoes

Potatoes are high-yielding crops and as such, remove considerable quantities of nutrients from the soil. To maintain the quality and yield of your crop, as well as the sustainability of your land, nutrient supplementation is vital. In some soils, it is also necessary to apply nutrients additional to those removed by the crop to account for nutrient tie-up and leaching. …